DRYiCE Connect

Integrate | Orchestrate | Simplify

In the age of digitalization, organizations strategic focus is to make IT more agile, efficient, automated, and highly responsive which, in turn, has led them to follow the best of breed trends, but, in following these trends organizations have been driven towards a more complex IT ecosystem that consists of multiple vendors using their native service management tools, which often creates a challenge of unification of records from various systems, hence leading towards complex process orchestration, unreliable SLAs, and ineffective governance.

To be effective, you need to have services that are ‘Plug and Play’.

DRYiCE Connect is a new-age SIAM application that offers complete SIAM control and governance. It provides a digital platform of engagement that seamlessly connects customers and suppliers through plug-and-play while automating end-to-end process orchestration, definitive SLA computation, and providing a single pane of glass for complete visibility across suppliers.


Download the brochure to know more.