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- DRYiCE SX R2.1

Product Name | DRYiCE SX |
Version Number | R2.1 |
Release Month | June , 2019 |
Release Period (if release was phased) | April - June |
Release Summary
This quarterly release note covers releases: 2.0 and 2.1.
New Features and Enhancements
This release contains the following enhancements in the Request to Fulfil value chain of IT4IT reference architecture:
- Standardized "Delivery Time" format for Self - Service Portal: Delivery Time values now uses a consistent unit of measurement. Example 2 Day(s), 5Hour(s), 30Minute(s). Earlier, the delivery time was shown in hours in some places and in minutes in others
- Cancel requests feature for Self – Service Portal: Consumers will be allowed to cancel service request until it is in "Under Fulfillment" or "Pending Approval" status
- “View Updates” under “My Requests” in Self – Service Portal:
- Status transition of tickets can be tracked under "View Updates"
- Approval/ rejection notes for a requested item
- Updates performed on a service request
- Approving group’s information
- Visibility of "SLA Details" to be configurable for Self – Service Portal using Service Portfolio & Catalog Management (SPCM): While publishing a service, the service provider now has an option to hide the service level targets from the consumer
- Provide Information Section for Self – Service Portal to be configurable from Service Portfolio & Catalog Management (SPCM): While making questions for the provide information section:
- Each question to have a parent category
- For each question, a non-mandatory help text value can be provided by the service publisher
- Question and Question Category limit has been increased to 50; there can be maximum 50 questions in a service
- Hide Pricing for Self – Service Portal to be configurable from Service Portfolio & Catalog Management (SPCM): Service Provider can opt to "Hide Pricing" from the consumer. In such scenarios, on "My Requests" page, the pricing column will display "Not Applicable". Earlier it was mandatory to fill in a numeric value and service providers had to enter 0 as the price of service in such cases
- Fulfillment Plan for Tasks configurable through Service Portfolio & Catalog Management (SPCM): SX Tasks will get auto-created and assigned to pre-configured assignment group based on the component selected on the product description page at the time of placing an order. Each ordered component will result into a task getting created and assigned to the team that will fulfill that particular component
- "Complexity" field in Service Portfolio & Catalog Management (SPCM): New field 'Complexity' has been introduced with values as Simple, Medium, Complex for a service. to help service providers set SLAs based on service complexity. The field is configurable by the service provider. This parameter is also available in "Data Queries" for support provider to calculate the total xnumber of requests based on complexity
This release contains the following enhancements in the Detect to Correct value chain of IT4IT reference architecture:
- Task Attachments in Task Module: Attachment field and functionality is now enabled in SX REQ(Task). The attached file will be visible to the Fulfiller in Task. Max allowed size of attachment is 10MB
- Task Audit in Task Module: Audit Log has been enabled for Task Module
- Expected Completion Date in Fulfilment Module: Fulfiller will be allowed to change the Expected Completion Date field while working on a Fulfillment Work Item
- Auto approval in Fulfilment Module: The service request will get auto approved when requester is the approver
- Task-Item link in Fulfilment Module and Task Module: Task and ITM (Service Request) are now linked in SX Service Request module. ITM status (Closure) values will be governed by Task status (Closure) values
This release contains the following platform-level enhancements:
- Internet Explorer compatibility: Full compatibility with Internet Explorer for all modules
- Master Data in Foundation Data: Foundation data now covers User, Location, Country, State, and City masters. E.g. Location Master – Building, Client, Closet, Data Center, Data Room, Hosting Center, POP, Space Name
About SX
DRYiCE SX™ accelerates service delivery by seamlessly aggregating catalogs creating single system of engagement.
For product-related inquiries, please reach us at support.dryice.ai@hcl.com