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Product Name | DRYiCE SX |
Version Number | R3 |
Release Month | March , 2020 |
Release Summary
With this release the DRYiCE SX has been further enhanced. This release boasts an enhanced service board, and consumer portal.
New Features and Enhancements
With the aim of delivering value via innovation, this release introduces a variety of new features, functionalities, and applications.
Consumer Portal
- The approver will now have additional information about the requester in the requester information section on my approvals page. This information will include the current working location, Alternate phone, alternate email, and project details of the requestor so that the approver can take an informed decision on the approval request
- The approver will now be able to see the approval information section on the right-hand side of their my approvals page. This section will contain details including the level of the approver, list of approvers, date and time of when an action is taken by the approver, and comments made by the approver thereby providing all the required information to the approver
- Users will be able to select their preferred language from a list of languages within their My Profile section
- Application preferences within the ‘My Profile’ section have been converted to Checkboxes. Users may check or uncheck their preferences and personalize their experience
- Reporting Manager will be able to raise orders on behalf of his or her direct reportees
Service Board
- Place holders have been introduced in the service board to capture external parameters that may flow from external integrations thereby enhancing the catalog aggregation capability of SX
- The catalog manager will be able to configure project and non-project based questions in the ordering information section on the service board. The consumers will have to fill the corresponding questions based on their response to the project or non-project based question. This functionality enhances the configurability of the questionnaire form
- Catalog manager will be able to configure role-based approvals from the approval section on the service board thereby enhancing the configurability of approvals
Work Item Board
- The fulfillment and change modules of the work item board have been enhanced to showcase the approval information under the approval icon on the left-hand side of the change or fulfillment ticket form. This will allow the users working on fulfillment and change tickets to be aware of the approval information
Service Desk Board
- A new service desk board has been introduced on SX that will enable the service desk team to view and search all tickets based on request id, status, service name, and requester name
Bugs and Fixes
Following is the list of bugs that were fixed as part of this release.
Consumer Portal
- Fixed an issue on the ‘My Approval’ page where the approval section on the right-hand side was not refreshing as per the ticket selection and the data of the default ticket selection was being displayed
- Fixed an issue on the ‘My Request’ page where approval date and time was being shown inaccurately
About SX
DRYiCE SX™ accelerates service delivery by seamlessly aggregating catalogs creating single system of engagement.
For product-related inquiries, please reach us at support.dryice.ai@hcl.com