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- DRYiCE SX R2.8

Product Name | DRYiCE SX |
Version Number | R2.8 |
Release Month | December , 2019 |
Release Summary
This quarterly release note covers releases: 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, and 2.8.
New Features and Enhancements
This release contains the following new features/ enhancements:
- Display count of pending approval items over My Approvals icon in top bar
- Restriction of F5 function (Refresh) on application pages has been incorporated
- On Behalf Requester also will now have visibility of tickets on My Requests, My Services and My Feedback list view
- Provide Information section on Order now page will be expanded by default
- Restrict selection of past date while giving input in Provide Information section for specific TR offerings
- Refresh icon has been replaced by a Button on My Requests page
- 'Submit Request' has been renamed to 'Click to start' button on offering details page
- Specification table will now be hidden in Product Description Section if no attribute is set against a service in SPCM
- Size of the top bar has been made consistent across all pages and would display logged in user name
- Added borders around the scroll arrows on homepage. Also, on hover the colour of arrows would change to orange
- Removed the border around category display section on homepage
- Introduced the following changes in breadcrumbs:
Earlier the sequence of categories and sub categories was shown as: Home> Employee Action Request> Transfer Request; while now the breadcrumbs will be displayed as: Home> Employee Action Request: Transfer Request, and both the category and sub-category will be clickable. - Continue Shopping and Submit buttons moved above the Ordering Information title label on Order Now page
Consumer, SPCM
- Read only dependent questions will now specify captions as part of
response values - Introduced the capability for allowing multiple child questions against same parent question in provide information section
- Provision to hide/unhide the disclaimer at offering level in SPCM has been added
- Added 'Intune' and 'JAMF' options in Service Type drop down list while publishing a service in SPCM
- In case of work items that are pending for approval, approval reminder notification will be sent to the approver(s) after x no. of days, where x is configured at the back end
- Rejection reason to be included in the email notification triggered when a request is rejected
- Reminder email to be triggered for end users to fill feedback survey
- Approver to get email notification with a hyperlink which would redirect him to My Approvals page on SX
Supporter End
- Pagination added on work item board pages like Tasks, Incident, Fulfilment, Problem & Change
- Cross button introduced on Data Queries and My Delegations Page to easily navigate to previous page
- Provision to capture user additional attributes like alternate phone, email & location and others, as on need basis has been introduced in foundation application
All Modules
- Consistent welcome message on header bar will now be visible across all pages of SX
Below are the changes incorporated in My Profile section:
- Contact Number field removed
- Mobile Phone & Business Phone is now non-editable
- New editable field added with a name "Alternate Phone"
- Two new fields added with name "Email" & "Alternate Email" where the email address is non-editable and alternate email address is editable.
Sequence for displaying the fields modified to: Mobile Phone (NE), Business Phone (NE), Alternate Phone (E), Email (NE) & Alternate Email (E)
Bugs and Fixes
- Search list was not sorted in type ahead search in SPCM & showed asset information when search type was user
- Loading of category/ sub-category from the hamburger on homepage was taking too long on PROD Instance
- Incorrect selection of categories and sub categories on searching a service from the global search bar
- On selecting and deselecting the components in Provide Information section from the order now page, PI section was not loading
- In Provide Information section, Asterisk (*) sign was appearing incorrectly
About SX
DRYiCE SX™ accelerates service delivery by seamlessly aggregating catalogs creating single system of engagement.
For product-related inquiries, please reach us at support.dryice.ai@hcl.com.