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- DRYiCE SX R2.4

Product Name | DRYiCE SX |
Version Number | R2.4 |
Release Month | September , 2019 |
Release Period (if release was phased) | July - September |
Release Summary
This quarterly release note covers releases: 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4
New Features and Enhancements
This release contains the following enhancements:
- Specify ordering work item type in Service Portfolio and Catalog Management(SPCM): Provision to define fulfilment request type for a service as either Service Request or Incident Request
- Provide attachments post order submission on Self-Service Portal: Requester now has an option to provide attachments post order submission for reference of support provider
- Role based approval in Fulfilment Module: Role based approval functionality to enable the submitter’s Reporting Manager to provide first level approval for service requests
- Help Text in Provide Information section of Self-Service Portal: Service publishers now have the option to provide help text/ tooltip for questions defined in the Provide Information section
- Multiline textbox Information Type in Service Portfolio and Catalog Management (SPCM): Introduction of Multiline textbox to capture response type. For e.g., Required for capturing delivery address
- Banner based on application property on Self-Service Portal: Consumer Home Page Banner is now based on application property. For e.g. End user portal is named “Service Portal”, while the portal for support providers is called “Support Portal”
- Group visibility in Provide Information section on Self-Service Portal: In the Provide Information page, if there is only one group/ category of questions, the group/category will not appear and will be expanded by default
- Smart Search in Provide Information in Service Portfolio and Catalog Management (SPCM): Introduction of "Smart Search" field type in SPCM. Service provider can specify a user or location search field, under provide information section on Order Now page
- New section to capture requestor details in Self-Service Portal: Introduction of new section on right side of Submit Now page to capture on-behalf and delivery location details. It will also capture cubical number of the user as per details in user profile.
- Configuration based display on Self-Service Portal: Introduction of configuration based display and hide option:
- Self Service Actions
- Service Contacts
- Externally Fulfilled
- Shipment Based Order
- Non-Shipment based Order
- Cancel Request option
- User Asset Details
- Visibility of character limit in Request Support form under My Services on Self-Service Portal: In My Services, the “Summary” and “Description” fields in Request Support Form now specifies the allowed character limit
- Visibility of file format in Request Support form on Self-Service Portal: File attachment supported file formats will now be visible for information of users. The allowed file size has also been increased to 20MB
- Configurable Quick View Bar in Self-Service Portal: Home page tabs in quick view bar, like Best Selling, My Favorites made configurable (to be visible or hidden). There is now a provision to define sequence for the offerings to appear under featured section and option to hide/unhide the complete section
- Warning message while leaving service request page on Self-Service Portal: On the click of 'Continue Shopping' button, a message will appear for the user to either continue with current task or cancel to discard the changes as filled in Provide Information section
- My Teams chat window on the homepage on Self-Service Portal: External chat application link to My Teams configured on home page
- Visibility of service request information provided under My Requests section of Self-Service Portal: My Request page now shows the information provided by the user while placing the request
- Shopping Cart with request count on Self-Service Portal: Shopping Cart icon with a count to specify the number of items available in the cart now appears on top bar of the portal
- Auto assignation of optional components in Fulfilment Module: Auto assignment of tickets can now be configured based on optional components as well
- Warning message while leaving service request page on Self-Service Portal: On the click of the 'Continue Shopping' button, a message will appear for the user to either continue with the current task or cancel to discard the changes as filled in Provide Information section
About SX
DRYiCE SX™ accelerates service delivery by seamlessly aggregating catalogs creating single system of engagement.
For product-related inquiries, please reach us at support.dryice.ai@hcl.com