

Product Name DRYiCE ROAR
Version Number Release 10 covering 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5
Release Month August
Release Period (if release was phased) Apr to Jun
Release Summary

This release of DRYiCE ROAR includes enhancements in the Onboarding, Normalization, Aggregation, Reconciliation modules, and overall product capabilities.

New Features and Enhancements

With this release, we are introducing enhancements to improve the user experience across various modules. Other highlights also include the removal of redundancies concerning secured access by virtue of leveraging the capabilities of App ID in case of the IBM platform and Cognito in case of the AWS platform


The Onboarding module is used to onboard new organizations onto ROAR, users, define datasets, define rules, etc.

  • A new functionality has been added on the 'User Onboarding' to notify users of the ‘Active/Inactive/Archived' state of the company to which they are associated with.

    This feature assists in the validation of user login.

  • During the onboarding of a new company, it is expected that the company is in an “Active” state; hence the “Status” field from the company creation page is now removed. However, the user will be able to change the status of the company associated in the edit field.

    The “Status” on the onboarding page, being unnecessary, was removed to improve the user experience.

  • Various fields like ‘Status’, ‘password’, ’Security Information’, ‘Question and Answer’ have been removed from the ‘User Creation’ page as they became redundant after the AWS migration

    Since user authentication is now being executed through Cognito on AWS platform, the above mentioned fields have become redundant.

  • Earlier, under “My Profile”, the field to enter security questions has now been removed as they are redundant in the case of App ID and Cognito, removing the redundancy

  • For the Cognito implementation, now a feature for QR Scan for first-time user login and user creation has been added. A new page is designed and implemented, wherein, once the user is created, an email will be triggered to the user containing a temporary password, which is used for login. After that, the QR Code scanning page appears, which the user needs to scan and enter the code to log in upon receiving the passcode on their mobile phone.

    For QR scanning, applications like Twilio, Microsoft, or Google authenticator needs to be downloaded onto the user’s mobile device

    This will help in enhancing the secured access methodology.

  • For better validation and experience, the option to associate users with multiple roles has been removed from the ‘Associate Roles’ checkbox, with only one role now available for linking in the drop-down.


The Normalization module normalizes the incoming validated data and replaces the alternate representations of CI

  • To meet the requirements of actual data, attributes having integer types will now accept decimal values.

    With this enhancement, even a fraction of the attribute having integer value can be captured as per actuals.

  • For better user experience, now a message appears as “Automation job is in progress for (company name) – (class)” when the automation job is in progress for the same company and class, on the Normalization page.


The Aggregation module identifies potential records from different sources for merging, merges them to remove duplication, and creates a clean and accurate record database called the Golden Dataset. Following are the feature enhancements in this module:

  • History of previous runs is available in the dashboard, hence the removal of the redundant page in the Aggregation and Normalization modules

    With this enhancement, analysis of past and present data can be done.


In RU computation, the billing components in the environment are identified by pairing the resource components (asset or CI) with the contractual definition of a Resource Unit to find the closest match. Following are the feature enhancements in this module: 

  • The standardization of the landing page layout for the CI RU Mapping report is now synced with the standard landing pages like other reports, wherein the Company and Class filters option appears on the top right

    This standardization brings uniformity across various pages for easier use of access to user

Overall product enhancements

  • In this feature, the user will no longer be allowed to create/view/edit the Golden dataset type, and the Input Type Dataset can be viewed/created under Dataset. On running the “Merge” module, the Merged Dataset name will appear as “Golden.”

    Also, the Target Dataset field has been removed from Merge Rule to make any required changes in the merge job.

    This feature brings in a better user experience.

About ROAR

DRYiCE ROAR creates a single source of truth by processing asset and CI data in the IT environment from multiple IT & OT tools in the enterprise, which can drive the accuracy of downstream applications by removing data reliability issues.


For product-related inquiries, please reach us at support.dryice.ai@hcl.com